Equine Pre Purchase Examination

Many people when looking to buy a new horse will ask us about a ‘vetting’ or pre purchase examination of the horse. This is an examination to check the horse over for obvious and detectable conditions. We follow the examination protocol system recommended by the New Zealand Equine Veterinary Association. Talk to one of our equine vets for more information on the type or style of examination that may be suitable for the horse you are considering buying.

There are two choices for the type of examination Full (Stages 1-5): The full examination consists of five stages. These stages are: 1 examination at rest, 2 examination while being trotted in hand, 3 observation while being exercised, 4 period of rest, 5 Follow up observation trotting in hand after exercise. Partial (Stages 1-2): For horses in work or with a known current competitive history many clients request an abridged or partial examination.

The partial examination consists of stages one and two of the standard examination. Other additional procedures as part of the pre-purchase: We are also able to incorporate other procedures like digital x-rays, endoscopic examinations, ultrasound examinations, blood tests and electrocardiographic (ECG) examinations into your pre-purchase exam. Pre purchase examination request If you are considering getting a pre purchase examination then we have a special form to fill in for this. 


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