Would you like a chance to win $4,000? As well as receive discounted Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) testing for young stock?
BVD is a widespread viral disease which costs the industry $150 million each year and affects 25,000 beef farmers. In addition to its impact on animal growth and reproduction, this disease has a significant impact on animal health and welfare. Over the last few years a lot of resources have been put into researching the disease. A steering committee has been formed and they are now leading research into a national eradication program. The committee has created a website with a large number of resources including information on the disease’s transmission, control and eradication (www.bvdfree.org.nz).
The vets here at VetSouth would like to encourage all farmers to register on the website and complete the short survey. Complete the survey which gets you in the draw to win the $4K. It is quick and easy and will give the committee vital information to help eradicate this disease from your community and the country as well. Overseas efforts have proven that countries can get rid of this costly disease. We are behind getting New Zealand onto that list. On farm benefits are at the forefront. Once you’ve had a look at the website, give the clinic a ring and the vet team can come out, assess your BVD status and create a plan for your stock. We are offering discounted BVD investigation programs which will give you an idea of whether or not BVD could be taking money straight out of your pocket. So complete the survey and get in touch today!