Top 'teaser' tips

Find out when to make your teasers and the best timing for using them in your flock.

It is that time of year to start thinking about teasers and ewe synchronising prior to mating.

Teasers (vasectomised rams) are used to stimulate earlier cycling in ewes, or synchronise ewes that are already cycling. They can be particularly useful for ewe hoggets in their first year of mating who do not actively seek out rams.

Here are some key considerations for managing your teasers pre-mating 2023:

  • Teasers should have their surgical procedure 6 weeks before use to ensure adequate healing times and that there is no viable sperm production. Shorter times can be considered - but talk to your vet about this first.

  • Teasers should be joined for 15-16 days before the ram goes out.

  • Most ewes will cycle around 17 days after the teasers are introduced, so it is important to get the ram in as soon as teasers are removed so that they don't miss the cycle.

Teasers are a very useful part of ensuring good reproductive performance on farms, and are very effective when used in conjunction with a healthy ram team to follow (including no lameness, good body condition and health, palpated free of lesions, and put out at a good ram:ewe ratio).

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with your KeyVet if you would like to discuss teasers and management prior to mating. 

- Emma Middlemass


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